Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Quest begins

I should have learned my lesson last year. There is no such thing as a perfect Christmas photo. I tried for two weeks, two dozen outfits and the wrath of my three year old, to no avail. This is what I got.

This morning we woke up and Samuel was in an exceptionally good mood. He's been like this for a week now. What a great opportunity to take them somewhere and take their photo.

1. Matching outfits-√

2. Clean faces-√

3. Bow in hair-√

4. Samuel cooperative-√

5. Promise of reward for job well done-√

When you photograph children, you have to be incredibly fast. I was expecting a huge meltdown from Samuel. But he was perfect. I couldn't believe it. The problem was his little sister. She is getting tired of the camera. I know she knows I want her to smile. Knowing this, gives her power. So she didn't smile, especially with her brother or torturer, beside her. Here are my attempts. Samuel, bless his heart, tried so hard.

The pictures aren't bad but I really wanted them both smiling. I will keep trying. It's funny. I can get great photos of them separately but the dynamics of them together makes it impossible. Because of Samuel's hard work, we went to Starbucks and got an overpriced rice crispy treat. You pay for one what it would cost to make five dozen. He was happy.

Honestly, if I wanted a "real" Christmas card photo it would look something like this: George and I would be holding on tight to each other. We've grown incredibly together in the last few months. Samuel would be trying to strangle his sister. He's still wondering why in the world she has to come into the world and take all the attention off of him. Sophia would be crying, not only because her brother is strangling her but she's desperately trying to get the attention off of her brother. Gabrielle would be standing far off, sulking, showing us her scratched up arms, because she is also crying out for attention and the attention seems to be going towards the younger crowd. Pretty bleak but true. So when you get all those "perfect" cards this year, know that that's not life. Life is not all about perfect smiles and cute outfits. Pain and suffering is real. Sorry for the downer. This certainly took off in a different direction.


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theappleeaters said...

take a picture like you really are! a photographer told me once that you will get lots of pictures of your kids smiling, but relish the pictures of them not smiling... this is a rarity. get the photos like you really are.