Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not the wiggliest?

Samuel takes karate twice a week. Not because I think he will be the next great martial artist, far from it. We put him in it for the disipline, focus and coordination help he desperately needs. His teacher has been wonderful. And for the most part Samuel really enjoys it.

I decided to go into his class for the last few minutes of class. All the kids were kneeling in a straight line. The teacher ends the class with having all the kids kneel and stay focused on him for a minute, no moving. I didn't know this is how he ended class until today. Now I know why Samuel is constantly one of the last ones out of class. So I went in and sat down in the back next to another mom.

Slowly kids starting leaving. Soon two were left. My Sam and another Sam. Sam's mom was the mom next to me. Her head was down, not wanting to look, embarrased. I saw myself in this mom. So, I whispered to her, "Our boys are peas in a pod." She looked up at me and smiled. I asked how he did at school. "Always in trouble." I sympathized with her as we watched our sweet wiggly boys.

And guess what? Samuel won! He was not the wiggliest one! I'm not sure how much longer the other Sam had to stay. But my boy was too wiggly and impatient to wait and see.

I know how great my kid is. And I know I shouldn't compare him to others. Most of the time when I do, I get depressed. But today I left with a weird sense of pride. A wigglier boy then mine!


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