Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a privilege!

The house is quiet, well, except for the washing machine and dish washer running. I couldn't stand the dirty house anymore so the kids and I cleaned this morning. George and Gabrielle are at a church in Rome, Ga. This is a black church that held an all-night vigil for Gabrielle when she was at the hospital. The pastor is one of the managers at FedEx and George's friend. The pastor has asked George to speak about the experience. We were planning on all going but Sophia threw up last night and woke up with a fever. So the kids and I stayed back. Gabrielle seemed happy to go. I'm sure it will be quite an experience for both of them.

I know I talk allot about my kids and how much work parenting is. Samuel is a handful and tries my patience everyday. Sophia is into EVERYTHING and is an expert mess maker. Gabrielle, well, where do I start? When I get busy and overwhelmed, I forget to stop and realize what great kids they are. This morning I was up in Sophia's room, cleaning. The early morning sun was streaming in. Samuel was sitting and playing with Sophia and her dolls. He was showing her how to feed her, sing to her and put the baby to bed. Sophia was looking up at him, adoringly.

"Mom, I love my sister so much."

"I know you do. Did you tell her?"

"Sophia, I love you."

"Da du, gung gung"(She calls Samuel gung gung. We still are not sure why.)

"Mom, do you ever love someone so much it hurts?"

My sensitive boy. Writing this bring tears to my eyes. Boys have such a struggle. Trying so hard to be tough men, but having such tender hearts. My prayer is that God takes hold of his heart. I see him fighting this part of his personality. When he's with his friends, he tries so hard to be like them. But he's different than your typical boy. Sure he can be rough, throws rocks, knocks his sister down and loves knives and guns. But there's a side of my little boy, that if nurtured and developed, will help him grow into not only a good man but an exceptional man, father and husband.