Saturday, January 26, 2008

Am I really posting this?

I can't believe that I'm posting this. I don't like to hear myself, much less see myself on video but here I am,this morning, teaching class. It's actually easier for me to watch it on mute. It went pretty well. I probably had a little too much caffeine before hand. Coffee, Red Bull, and some type of herbal Chinese mushroom concoction that one of the instructors gave me, was a bit much. I think the excerpt is about five minutes. I couldn't get through watching that far so don't feel pressured to watch. But I know some of you are curious what this is all about.

After I got home this morning, George made pancakes. I ate three with butter, peanut butter and syrup. Then I took a nap. I woke up, played legos with Samuel and then made chocolate chip cookies. I plan on doing very little besides sleeping and eating this weekend. The house and laundry can wait a few days. I am so happy that this video is over. I know it doesn't seem like much but learning that one 50 minute class took me two weeks. It will get easier as I do it more. I will send it to the assessors on Monday and hopefully pass. The last thing I want to do is do it all over again.

I feel something coming on. I've been shivering all day and my throat is killing me. Whenever I get stressed out, I get sick. So this next week might be even more fun.