Wednesday, May 28, 2008

They're gone!

Whew! What a long, exhausting, emotional day! Of course, I took pictures but I'm too tired to download them tonight. I'll post them tomorrow.

We dropped Sophia off at 9:00 this morning and headed for the hospital. Samuel had packed a backpack with toys for the waiting room. He had a gang of kids surrounding him and his toys within minutes. By the time I had filled out the paperwork, it was around 10:15. They took us to our room and took Samuel's vital signs and had him change into a gown. At this point, his spirits were fine. He asked a ton of questions but did not seem too apprehensive. He particularly enjoyed his time with a young girl who was there to ease any fears or answer any questions. I don't think she was a nurse, maybe she was a child counselor. She brought in a box filled with the tools the doctors were going to use to perform the surgery. She then proceeded to tell Samuel that he could ask any questions about them and then if he wanted, she could pretend to be the patient and he could be the doctor. Obviously, she doesn't know my son. Any question? Play doctor? She had to finally leave after twenty minutes.

We must have had seven different people come in and out. Nurses, doctors, insurance people, nurse practitioner, customer relations lady. It was a bit crazy. Then a nurse came in to give him the happy medicine. This medicine calmed him before they wheeled him away. I gave him a quick kiss and told him I'd see him in a bit. He didn't cry and just waved.

His doctor came in an hour later and told me that Samuel did fine. Both his adenoids and his tonsils were large. After she left, a nurse came in to tell me that when Samuel woke up, he was extremely distressed and was currently crying. That was an understatement. I could hear him down the hall. She then whispered, some kids have a really hard time coming out of anesthesia. So he was one of them. He cried, thrashed, kicked, and screamed. He was very angry at me for putting him through this and was in pain. No reasoning would help. He wanted to get out of there and go home. Holding a screaming boy was not fun. But finally, the second dose of morphine kicked in. And, he was calm. He then fell in and out of sleep until we left. I asked if we could get some of that morphine to go...

He's been pretty irritable since we got home. I'm not sure how much pain he's in. We gave him some pain meds around 7:00. I hope he sleeps through the night. He has had six Popsicles and some Gatorade. Nothing else. It might be a very long week. He has not proved to be the best patient in the past. We'll see....