Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well, the kids are sick. Actually they've had colds for awhile and I was trying to let them ride it out. But after two weeks, I decided it was time to take them in. Sophia has been especially fussy the last couple of days. All she wants is for me to hold her. Today I had to go to the grocery store. We were down to three eggs and a couple of potatoes. And let me tell you, grocery shopping is a blast with a sick toddler on your hip. When I tried to sit her down in the cart she cried as if she was being tortured. I actually filled up a grocery cart with an almost thirty pound toddler on my hip. When your eater refuses the Publix cookie, you know she's sick.

So I took them to the doctor this afternoon. Samuel has a bunch of fluid behind one ear and a huge ball of wax in the other. He had to lay down while the doctor put some long contraption down his ear. Not very pleasant. I think maybe this ball of wax has been slowly growing in his ear for five years making it extra hard for him to hear. Maybe the whole male species have balls of wax in their ears.

Sophia has a nasty infection in her right ear. Unlike her brother, she was not excited about being there. She once again gave the doctor, who's not our regular doctor and a female, dirty looks the whole time. She was not amused by the doctor's antics. She was trying so hard to make Sophia smile, but my little princess just stared at her like she was nuts. "I don't feel good, leave me alone."

The ride home was awful, worse than awful. I would rather be in a closet with thirty snakes, than endure another car ride like that one. It was raining, 5:o0 and Atlanta, not a good combination. Mix that in with a sick crying baby, not fun. We left the doctor at 5:00 and got home at 6:30. Sophia cried most of the way home.
The best thing about having sick kids is when they get better. I know, sounds pretty obvious but you get to a point that you think your kid is never going to stop being grumpy and extremely high maintenance. Then one morning, you go into her room, and she's jabbering happily and gives you a huge smile. And you forget about the car rides from hell or the backbreaking grocery trips.
I sure hope that tomorrow is that morning.