Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life is hard

I have not given my blog much time lately. Life has gotten in the way. I guess that happens sometimes. We are wrestling with alot of life altering decisions lately. Tomorrow, Tony has an appointment with the oncologist and will get his chemo schedule. Right now, he thinks that he'll be able to continue working and running his store while going through chemotherapy. I'm not sure if he is being realistic. He's going to be sick and very weak.

So George thinks that he'll have to take over for his father for awhile. Tony doesn't want to let go of his control over his store. He is set in his ways and very controlling. He doesn't like changes. So where does that leave us? We're not sure. If George sells his FedEx route, we'd have enough income to get us through six months. During this time, he could work at the store and have the flexibility to help with his dad. If he stays at FedEx, he has no flexibility. He's stuck. So what if he gets a driver for his route? Well, we have to pay this guy, continue paying the huge truck payment, and if anything goes wrong with driver, George is responsible.

Frankly, I don't like any of the options. But, something is going to have to change. It might be Tony getting a huge dose of reality when he is incapacitated and can't make it to work. George wants to be proactive and make these decisions soon. So what do I want to do? Just scream in frustration. Growing up stinks. Having your parents get old is a hard thing to watch.